Los Temperamentos


Hap­py Hol­i­days!

We wish you Hap­py Hol­i­days and a Hap­py New Year! The en­sem­ble will cel­e­brate its 15th birth­day in 2024 and we are look­ing for­ward to many ex­cit­ing projects, new con­cert for­mats and lots and lots of great mu­sic! Stay tuned…

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ZooOst­i­na­to Los Tem­pera­men­tos pre­miere their new con­cert pro­gram Igua­nas, par­rots, snakes and vul­tures pro­vide the frame­work for the ensemble’s new pro­gram, which is all about baroque os­ti­natos, dances and elab­o­rate vari­a­tions as­so­ci­at­ed with the an­i­mal king­dom. Whether the works, most of which have been hand­ed down oral­ly, en­cour­age ec­sta­t­ic dance,[…]

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